ISAM Congress - ISAM International Society for Aerosols in Medicine, Boise, Idaho, USA ISAM - The International Society for Aerosols in Medicine
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ISAM Congress History

ISAM Past Congresses


The International Society for Aerosols in Medicine (ISAM)

ISAM Congresses

Since 1973 the International Society for Aerosols in Medicine (ISAM) aspires to to organise one of the world’s largest pulmonary drug delivery and respiratory health conferences. The attendees include clinicians, respiratory health care professionals, critical care professionals, aerosol scientists and engineers, formulations scientists, and product development and regulatory experts.

Thank You

We all have fond memories of our past ISAM congresses. We would like to thank everyone for being there and would like to thank past congress presidents, congress committees, contributors, sponsors and last but not least, all attendees for their support.